What grinds my gears?

Guys who treat women like shit.

Not that I'm some faggot or anything but I just can't stand it for the life of me. I was watching this movie just now, Hooking Up, and it was pretty good. Like it was about a bunch of high school parties and some slutty girls and that one pervert where all he talks about is having sex. He cracked me up.

Anyway there's some girl, Caroline, and he had a boyfriend, Ryan. So they're together and shit and she's doing all this shit for him even though she doesn't really want to because well i dont know. I think its one of those things where one person loves the other person even though the other person is a jerk. I don't know why it happens so we'll leave up to the psychiatrists to figure out. And thoughout the movie Ryan's cheating on her and shit and he even hit her. The cheating pissed me off but the hitting made me go apeshit. If I ever see a guy hit a girl I want to go kick his ass. Whether I know either one or not. I FUCKING HATE THAT SHIT. Its lower than scum. And the worst part is she was trying to be all sweet to him too. In the end she found out he was cheating on her and they broke up. Felt bad for her but thank god she got out of that.

Anyway, that of all things will ruin whatever mood I'm in. Or even if a girl is in trouble and her "man" wont help her or what not. It pisses me off. I don't know, maybe its just me, but if I ever see someone who needs help, especially if it's a girl, I gotta help them out. If it's a girl I'll go out of my way to help her out. Guys can take better care of themselves but girls, well they need a little more lovin. What can I say, I like girls; I like taking care of 'em too.


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