Everything you do is part of a show

and the world is your audience.

Everything anyone does is part of a performance or even a presentation. And just like any stage for a play there is a front region and a back region. In the front region we show certain characteristics that we may or may not show in the back region. The actors in a play will always be smiling when on stage to give a pleasant performance for the audience, while in the back region they may not be due to discomfort or whatever reason people get pissed off for nowadays.

Another example of this would be at a restaurant. A waiter will greet his customers with a huge smile and the highest of manners. This is the waiters front region, his customers are his audience. The waiter may never speak like this outside of this front region. In the kitchen however he will probably have a different attitude. The waiter may hate his job.

Most people hate their job. Most smiles that we see out in the retail world are fake. All manners are fake. The employees are under pressure. They are forced to smile to give you, their customers, a good time. And it works. The system works. Customers see nice people and they come back over and over again.

We develop certain personalities around certain people. A dousche bag may be nice to his girlfriend or his parents but to everyone be a total dick. Our vocabulary changes too. Anyone who talks saying fuck every other word is not going to talk like that in front of their boss.

It's all just a show for everyone. We all do it. There are somethings about us that we don't want certain people to see because we have this image that we want to keep up. We see rich families having everything they want. They want a car, they go get two. What is there to fight about? Absolutely nothing. But since they have everything and are so freaking bored that is what they fight out about, nothing! Isn't it marvelous? And we never see it. They have an image to uphold; everyone does.


Alberto said...

You know this is soo true. All interaction is usually about persuading someone to do something by putting on a performance. Good post.

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