Superstring Theory- 9 dimensions of reality?

So I'm reading Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene and I'm about 20 pages in and so many questions already popped into my head.

Bear with me that you might seem kinda lost reading this because I'm not going into detail about this cause I would need 20 pages to fully explain this. Just listen and accept the facts that I give you.

So physicists can use quantum mechanics to predict the probability of motion and actions in time for small matter and relativity theory to predict the same for large matter like stars and galaxies. They however cannot mix. Because for probability is measured in percent 20% 34% etc. But if you mix the two theories you get an infinite percent. Now you may think alright so if there is an infinite percent chance that the colts will win then I'm gonna bet all my money on them. Well it doesnt work that way. Probabilities higher than 100 are meaningless. They represent innacurate information.
Now what about the centers of blackholes? Or the legendary Big Bang?

You can't just use one of the two theories because of the huge amount of mass each one has. So physicists have spent years trying to come up with a theory of reality in which quantum mechanics and relativity theory can exist together in peace. After decades they came up with Superstring Theory.

Superstring theory functions on the fact that all the electrons and quarks that make up atoms and such are actually strings. Extremely small strings vibrating on different frequencies. When a guitar string vibrates it creates a musical note, well Superstring theory functions on the same idea except instead of notes, we get matter.

Makes sense so far right? Well Superstring theory poses a giant twist on reality. Instead of there being 3 dimensions of space, height width depth, and one dimension of time there are 9 dimensions of space and one dimension of time. Now what does this mean? We cant deny Superstring theory though because it answers many, many questions in cosmology etc.
So now what are we missing out on? What is reality?

What does "having a life mean"?

Is it making it?
Living on your own?
Having friends and not being a shut in?
Who gives anyone the right to tell anyone whether they have a life or not?

Social Trash

is defined as people who do nothing to better society or play no value in it.

High school dropouts, bums, and most people that are living off of welfare(grey area is pretty big here) are social trash. High school dropouts are the root of bums and people living off welfare. Clearly their choice of dropping out shows that their mental state needs serious questioning unless they dropped out for a valid reason but dropping out cause "I didn't learn anything" or "my school treated me like shit" are not valid reasons. These people wont get real jobs, unless they want to work at McDonalds making my cheeseburgers for the rest of their lives. I guess that is "important" to society.

But in all honesty that doesn't really do anything for society. They aren't helping anyone like a teacher would or helping science like a scientist or doctor would. They are just there, just like bums and people living off welfare. I think the bums aren't even quite bad because they have accepted the fact that they are poor and won't bring anyone else down with them. The people living off welfare on the other hand, are taking our taxes to live their lives. Of course the cost of living goes up everyday so some people need a little help in the form of Food Stamps or something similar, but alot of the people on full blown welfare do not have any jobs even though they are perfectly capable of getting one. Why are we paying for their lazy asses? They should burn and rot in hell.

America is too easy on its citizens. I mean its practically impossible to fail in public schools with summer school and after school available to make up the credits. People are just going to keep asking and asking for help and never learn to fend for themselves. And the aid that they get will possibly be used for the wrong stuff. *cough AIG bonuses cough* The government needs to stop babying its citizens, we need to man the fuck up.

Once you yell in an argument

you have admitted defeat.

No argument or debate needs to escalate to this point. If you can't prove your point without losing your temper than you have lost. If you can't reason under civilized conditions than clearly you have not and can not prove your point.

This is just the same as when parents hit their children in an argument, not to punish them that is a different topic. If a parent is trying to explain a point to their child but has to lose their temper and beat it into the kid then clearly no point has been made. The child will learn through fear and not through reasoning. Instead of the child thinking, "Oh, I can't do this because it is wrong because so and so" the child will think, "Oh I can't do this cause I'm scared of being beat." Is there a lesson learned?


is an acquired taste in music.

It's very rare to just show someone a screamo song or band like Behemoth or Children of Bodom. People kinda gotta work their way up to it. At first they'll say, "Ah, this is bullshit. Cant understand crap." I know I did at first.

People would probably first listen to Metallica, they're like the gateway band since they're so popular well known. Afterward if the person really likes heavy music like that they'd go into Slayer, a little heavier but much faster. Afterward it can go anywhere.

Everything you do is part of a show

and the world is your audience.

Everything anyone does is part of a performance or even a presentation. And just like any stage for a play there is a front region and a back region. In the front region we show certain characteristics that we may or may not show in the back region. The actors in a play will always be smiling when on stage to give a pleasant performance for the audience, while in the back region they may not be due to discomfort or whatever reason people get pissed off for nowadays.

Another example of this would be at a restaurant. A waiter will greet his customers with a huge smile and the highest of manners. This is the waiters front region, his customers are his audience. The waiter may never speak like this outside of this front region. In the kitchen however he will probably have a different attitude. The waiter may hate his job.

Most people hate their job. Most smiles that we see out in the retail world are fake. All manners are fake. The employees are under pressure. They are forced to smile to give you, their customers, a good time. And it works. The system works. Customers see nice people and they come back over and over again.

We develop certain personalities around certain people. A dousche bag may be nice to his girlfriend or his parents but to everyone be a total dick. Our vocabulary changes too. Anyone who talks saying fuck every other word is not going to talk like that in front of their boss.

It's all just a show for everyone. We all do it. There are somethings about us that we don't want certain people to see because we have this image that we want to keep up. We see rich families having everything they want. They want a car, they go get two. What is there to fight about? Absolutely nothing. But since they have everything and are so freaking bored that is what they fight out about, nothing! Isn't it marvelous? And we never see it. They have an image to uphold; everyone does.

Pimps n Hoes

A topic that's been going around for ages:
Why is that when a guy fucks many girls he's considered a pimp and this is a good thing and when a girl fucks many guys she's considered a hoe? Obviously not a good thing.

Well some people will say that if you have a key that can open many locks, it's a good key like a master key. But when a lock can be opened by just about any key it's not a very good lock.

You can't apply this logic to pimps and hoes because its only a good thing to be a pimp among guys. Girls dont find this to be a good thing and the ones that do are hoes and well like I previously stated and others believe this isn't a good thing. I mean tell any girl that you want to seriosuly get with, not hook up with I mean a relationship not a fuck buddy, that you're a pimp and she'll lose respect for you and you won't get with her the way you want to.Girls are seen as "pure" in a sense. That's why it's so much worse for them to have fucked many guys.

So for all you "pimps" out there or "lady's man" or whatever you wanna call yourself, you're not quite as good as you think among the girls. Unless the only girls you know are sluts, which are easy as hell so you're only taking candy from a baby. It's not much of an accomplishment there.

What grinds my gears?

Guys who treat women like shit.

Not that I'm some faggot or anything but I just can't stand it for the life of me. I was watching this movie just now, Hooking Up, and it was pretty good. Like it was about a bunch of high school parties and some slutty girls and that one pervert where all he talks about is having sex. He cracked me up.

Anyway there's some girl, Caroline, and he had a boyfriend, Ryan. So they're together and shit and she's doing all this shit for him even though she doesn't really want to because well i dont know. I think its one of those things where one person loves the other person even though the other person is a jerk. I don't know why it happens so we'll leave up to the psychiatrists to figure out. And thoughout the movie Ryan's cheating on her and shit and he even hit her. The cheating pissed me off but the hitting made me go apeshit. If I ever see a guy hit a girl I want to go kick his ass. Whether I know either one or not. I FUCKING HATE THAT SHIT. Its lower than scum. And the worst part is she was trying to be all sweet to him too. In the end she found out he was cheating on her and they broke up. Felt bad for her but thank god she got out of that.

Anyway, that of all things will ruin whatever mood I'm in. Or even if a girl is in trouble and her "man" wont help her or what not. It pisses me off. I don't know, maybe its just me, but if I ever see someone who needs help, especially if it's a girl, I gotta help them out. If it's a girl I'll go out of my way to help her out. Guys can take better care of themselves but girls, well they need a little more lovin. What can I say, I like girls; I like taking care of 'em too.

Writer's block

What am I doing here? I have no idea.
I saw Engimon do this thing and I thought it would be cool and "hey. I can post all this shit that goes on in my head." But it pissed me off so I wen't for a walk and now it's all gone. Who knew walks were so liberating.
Fuck you, writer's block.